Caribbean Royalty Free Music Albums

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The following tracks match: Caribbean Cuban SoulHappy latin sounds from cuba, accompanied by bird-like whisteling on top of a bossanova.$ ?7100665-EXPF$ 49.957100665-WPF$ 149.95 Island PartyLet the authentic steel drums and snappy rhythm section carry you to a Caribbean island for a ‘party blast’.$ 39.95126-EX$ 49.95126-W$ 149.95

Island Party

Attributes: Energetic, Happy, Positive, Uplifting, Carefree, Cheerful, Lively, Outdoorsy, Themes, Festive, Upbeat Banana BoatSteel drums, congas, shakers, log drums and guitar round out this Afro-Caribbean theme. Percussive, gentle and happy.$ 39.952902-EX$ 49.952902-W$ 149.95 Island BreezeSteel drums, bass, and acoustic guitars join more traditional African sounds of Kalimba and native drums in this cool, breezy Caribbean flavored track.$ 39.952907-EX$ 49.952907-W$ 149.95

Island Breeze

Attributes: Energetic, Happy, Positive, Uplifting, Carefree, Cheerful, Lively, Outdoorsy, Themes, Festive, Upbeat Show and TellSchool’s out and summer vacation’s in with a trip to the Caribbean via this relaxed island track. Float on a marimba melody, then party with some Latin rhythms, and return on the tune you took to sea.$ 39.952109-EX$ 49.952109-W$ 149.95 Killa MastaA classic Reggae groove with hip trumpet phrases taking the lead.$ 39.9562206-EX$ 49.9562206-W$ 149.95 Christmas VacationThis positive uptempo Reggae track can work well for cool vacation footage or any tropical themed project.$ 39.9562201-EX$ 49.9562201-W$ 149.95 Dub ReasonSlick, sparse, and made for the night, this Reggae Dub cut can set the right atmosphere for your nightlife footage.$ 39.9562204-EX$ 49.9562204-W$ 149.95 DreaminSmooth and easy this Reggae feel provides a pleasant background for a variety of subjects.$ 39.9562203-EX$ 49.9562203-W$ 149.95 One Hour PhonoA slick, late-night dub selection.Smooth reggae, moving but relaxed.$ 39.9562207-EX$ 49.9562207-W$ 149.95 My Donkey Wants WaterAn old traditional Calypso number, complete with steel drums and playful clarinet lead.$ 39.9557707-EX$ 49.9557707-W$ 149.95 Mary AnnThis tropical track can put a happy face on most any project. Playful pennywhistle and steel drums lead the way.$ 39.9557705-EX$ 49.9557705-W$ 149.95 Island ShakeThis friendly island track will get the party going. Features steel drums and horn section.$ 39.9557703-EX$ 49.9557703-W$ 149.95 Waterside StrollA happy Calypso number featuring soprano sax. Ideal for light-hearted scenes, or your next tropical vacation.$ 39.9557710-EX$ 49.9557710-W$ 149.95 Baiao IslandLet this track’s breezy mood take you to a cool island paradise. A smooth underscore for people relaxing near the ocean.$ 39.9554201-EX$ 49.9554201-W$ 149.95 Ocean BreezeA light and breezy island-flavored piece featuring flute.$ 39.9510705-EX$ 49.9510705-W$ 149.95 Riddim And BangThis peppy Reggae number is just right for island travel footage, or for just plain good times.$ 39.959209-EX$ 49.959209-W$ 149.95 Let Your Hair DownA jubilant Latin party, not content to be in the background. Use for big positive events.$ 39.959206-EX$ 49.959206-W$ 149.95 Dub Till DawnThis smooth reggae-fused track features longing vocals and sparse guitar and bass. Good for night scenes.$ 39.9530902-EX$ 49.9530902-W$ 149.95 BeachcomberA light and perky tropical number featuring flute and acoustic guitar. A nice, unobtrusive background for any ‘light’ situation.$ 39.954902-EX$ 49.954902-W$ 149.95


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Upgrade to a Music Pack

Sonicfire Pro 6 & Core Ultimate Album

Core Ultimate is Sonicfire Pro 6’s aptly named included album. Meticulously produced for the highest possible production value, it covers a wide swath of styles, providing the media creator a rich and varied palette for almost any visual need.

This incredible album includes a themed three-track orchestral suite ideal for scoring entire movies when used with Sonicfire Pro 6’s powerful technologies, inspirational tracks with a modernist edge, simple happy, upbeat music, a rave rhythm-guitar jam perfect for high activity, a live vocal indie-rock song that could be a chart-topper, and more (10 great tracks in all).

All ten tracks are in SmartSound’s Multi-Layer format giving you total access to all of Sonicfire Pro 6’s exciting features. This album will give you countless ways to explore Sonicfire Pro 6’s great technologies that will in turn, allow you to meld them into the perfect fit for your unique vision.

Core Ultimate is only available as part of Sonicfire Pro 6 and not sold separately.

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    Add to playlist: Playlist onePlaylist two Cancel Add Albums’, suggestion: Handlebars.compile(‘{{name}}]]>

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    Production Types

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    Multi-layer Tracks

    Multi-layer tracks give you complete customization options. With a Multi-layer track you can change the instrument mix and choose different variations to fit your project perfectly.

    Single-layer (Stereo) Tracks

    Single-layer tracks are in stereo. They can give multiple variations but you cannot control the instrument mix.



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