BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Jul 24, CMC – The Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) says it remains committed to acquiring critically needed personal protective equipment (PPE) for regional front line workers combating the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) that has infected thousands of people and killed more than 120 in the Caribbean. “The coming months are likely…
Trinidad and Tobago have had an unfortunate reputation of being the most racist Anglophone Caribbean nation. I had heard and read about it over the years as I Source
Island residents rescued a stranded new-born sperm whale off North Ambergris Caye's shore on Friday, July 24. A shark bite was visible near the calf's tail. Source
by Matthew Cohen COVID-19 has accelerated the use of digital throughout the world, the question is, is the Caribbean ready for the change and made the recent Source
English News and Press Release on Antigua and Barbuda and 15 other countries about Contributions, Health and Epidemic; published on 23 Jul 2020 by Govt. UAE Source
By Franz Weathers Last year, the country had record arrivals of 4.32 million visitors with earnings of US$3.3 billion. Jamaica's tourism has been growing Source
For the 32 disaster-prone “small states” in the Commonwealth, Covid-19 compounds the ongoing risks they already face. Source
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Commissioner Terrence Williams marked the end of his journey with the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) today. 82,000 applications processed for entry into Jamaica 8:27 pmKINGSTON, Jamaica — Thirty-one thousand residents and 51,000 non residents and visitors have been processed using the JamCOVID and Visit Jamaica websites, Prime Minister…… With 1,592 new…
Breaking News |July 28, 2020July 28, 2020July 28, 2020July 28, 2020July 28, 2020 The Right Honourable Owen Arthur was ‘a visionary’ whose economic foresight in the past continues to make a positive impact in Barbados’ economy today, according to Ralph “Bizzy” Williamsin an emot… Antigua and Barbuda Premier Gaston Browne and BVI Premier Andrew Fahie…
Cisco, the leader in enterprise security, announced the general availability globally of Cisco SecureX, the broadest and most integrated cloud-native security Source