Caribbean Dance: Styles, Moves & History

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A Caribbean Music Playlist That Will Take You to the

  Next to smell, there’s nothing like music to spark memories. So while we can’t bring you the fragrance of Frangipani (or even suntan lotion), these 15 songs capture the memory of times spent relaxing on Caribbean beaches, drinking rum drinks at resort bars, and dancing at sunset on party boats. Of course the whole…

Royal will look to expand restart in the Caribbean

Despite all the talk about cruise lines primarily using their private destinations when they first resume service, Royal Caribbean Group CEO Richard Fain said that Royal’s ships will make every effort to return to the rest of the Caribbean as soon as possible.”There’s an economic impact on the Caribbean nations that we’ve partnered with for…

Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO)

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) with headquarters in Barbados, is the Caribbean’s tourism development agency comprising membership of 24 countries and territories including Dutch, English, French and Spanish, as well as a myriad of private sector allied members. Objectives The primary objective of the Caribbean Tourism Organization is to provide to and through its members…

Caribbean Tourism Organization launches “Caribbean Awaits” Campaign

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) has announced a social media campaign dubbed, #TheCaribbeanAwaits, in observance of Caribbean Tourism Month this month. The campaign, which is being run in conjunction with member countries, aims to maintain the Caribbean’s prominence as a place of solace as COVID-19 continues to impact the global travel and tourism industry. “This…

Passenger Aboard First Cruise Ship to Return to Sailing in

Passenger Tests Positive for Covid on First Cruise Ship to Sail in Caribbean | { if (this.get(key) !== undefined) { r(this.get(key)); } r(null); }); }; this.setAsync = function (key, value) { return new Promise(r => { this._data[key] = value; r(this); }); } } global.udl = new UniversalDataLayer({ “affiliate_link_count”: 0, “author”: [], “channel”: “Travel”, “category”:…

Updated: The latest Caribbean travel protocols for U

Updated Nov. 3.Most Caribbean islands have reopened to international tourism, with protocols in place to protect visitors and residents against Covid-19.  However, border reopenings are not uniform. Most openings are accompanied by strict public health procedures, most of which require air travelers to produce proof of a Covid-free test. These plans have been changing as…

20 fresh Caribbean songs to set your summer off to

Summer is quickly approaching and it is time to party. We can’t wait for the barbeques, parties and social gatherings to enjoy the season. The Caribbean beaches will be filled with holidaymakers while beaches outside the islands will have the Caribbean feel. Music is the lifeline of parties and you need to have some Caribbean songs in…


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