Category: Entertainment

From Revivalism to Reggae: The Evolution of Jamaican Music and

photo via AP Jamaica is traditionally described as the “land of wood and water,” but that description would be more accurate, as the “the land of wood, water and music.” Music, and dance, have been a part of Jamaica’s history dating back to slavery—serving as expressions of faith, hope, resistance, love, romance, and national pride.…

Authentic Calypso Radio Station

You don’t have to be in the Caribbean to hear its traditional music; just tune your radio to The Trevor Wilkins Show. Our station is the only place to listen to authentic calypso music in Brooklyn, NY, and around the world. You’ll hear groups of the most talented musicians creating an idea and placing it…

Reggae Music and Happy Jamaican Songs of Caribbean: Relaxing Summer

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Department of Music at Brown University

On January 15, 2021, composer Philip Glass’ record label Orange Mountain Music released GLASS BACH DRESDEN a new recording featuring Brown University Organist Mark Steinbach performing on the 1755 Gottfried Silbermann organ in Dresden’s Kathedrale St. Trinitatis. Stream, purchase a digital download or a CD here: Orange Mountain Music’s press release follows: (Distributed January…


Calypso, a type of folk song primarily from Trinidad though sung elsewhere in the southern and eastern Caribbean islands. The subject of a calypso text, usually witty and satiric, is a local and topical event of political and social import, and the tone is one of allusion, mockery, and double entendre.The calypso tradition, popularized abroad…

Asheba – Caribbean Music for Children

Asheba with his guitar.Asheba is a musical storyteller who specializes in calypso, the musical and folkloric oral tradition of Trinidad, Asheba’s homeland. Stories of hope and happiness are the focus of his songs, which range from original lullabies to fast tempo tunes to remakes of classics such as Itsy Bitsy Spider, Five Little Monkeys, Twinkle…

Caribbean Dance by Victor Lopez| J

Caribbean Dance by Victor Lopez| J.W. Pepper Sheet Music Select a Product My Library Select ProductJazz Ensemble  #10049707Jazz Ensemble  #10049707EAdditional Score  #10049708Add to My Library What is My Library? MINTS Log in to find the ranges for each part. This item appears on the following state lists: Loading…

Reggae music

Reggae is a music genre first developed in Jamaica in the late 1960s. While sometimes used in a broader sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, the term reggae more properly denotes a particular music style that originated following on the development of ska and rocksteady. Reggae is based on a rhythm style…

Skempi Artists

At Skempi we understand the challenges of getting your music out there, so we offer a convenient, legal and commercially viable solution for you to showcase your music to the world. Putting your music on Skempi is completely free. Yes thats right, there are no hidden costs. Register today to set-up your arist page where you can…


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