Category: Lifestyle

Mañana Dub

Mañana Dub is the newly released dub companion to the sixth vocal album by Mellow Mood. It was crafted by renowned producer Paolo Baldini DubFiles, Source

Charlie’s Records demands compensation from Angostura Trinidad

New York-based record producer Rawlston Charles, owner of Charlie’s Records, intends to seek legal redress against Angostura Trinidad Limited for using a sample of his hit record Lorraine, allegedly without permission, in a musical advertisement to promote its White Oak rum during Carnival 2023. The commercial’s opening line, Taxi, Taxi. Airport Kennedy, is the opening…

I Have Been There

I Have Been There by Advokate I seeks to expose the injustice that's happening in almost every African nation and outside Africa. Source

Cowley Road Carnival is back – and with steelpan too!

Oxford’s biggest annual outdoor community event, Cowley Road Carnival, is set to make a triumphant return on Sunday 9 July. Through the challenging Covid years of 2020 and 2021, the organisers, Cowley Road Works (CRW), managed to keep some socially distanced carnival creativity in the community, but that was followed by something of a collapse,…


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