Barbados Tourism Minister: Single set of COVID-19 travel rules for

Barbados Tourism Minister: Single set of COVID-19 travel rules for the Caribbean would be difficult | CAPA

Barbados‘ Minister of Tourism and International Transport Lisa Cummins, speaking at CAPA Live May 2021, noted (13-May-2021) “there are no uniform risk requirements across Europe for entry” and said the “same factors that prevent there from being universal requirements” on entry to countries in Europe have also prevented countries in the Caribbean from implementing a single set of COVID-19 travel and entry rules that apply throughout the region. Senator Cummins said: “I’m not necessarily saying that the Caribbean countries could not or should not have better coordination mechanisms, but I’m saying that we’re not dissimilar from any other region of the world, where each country has had to make an individual decision based on their own unique circumstances”. She noted “Barbados is in the top 10 most densely populated countries in the world… that’s not a distinction that any other Caribbean country has”, so the entry of a COVID-19 infected person “is going to have an entirely different impact on Barbados than it may on a country that has a larger expanse, [a] more spread out population, and multiple islands”.

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Find Out MoreBarbados' Minister of Tourism and International Transport Lisa Cummins, speaking at CAPA Live May 2021, noted (13-May-2021) “there are no uniform risk requirements across Europe for entry” and said the “same factors that prevent there from being universal requirements” on entry to countries in Europe have also prevented countries in the Caribbean from implementing a single set of COVID-19 travel and entry rules that apply throughout the region. Senator Cummins said: “I'm not necessarily saying that the Caribbean countries could not or should not have better coordination mechanisms, but I'm saying that we're not dissimilar from any other region of the world, where each country has had to make an individual decision based on their own unique circumstances”. She noted “Barbados is in the top 10 most densely populated countries in the world… that's not a distinction that any other Caribbean country has”, so the entry of a COVID-19 infected person “is going to have an entirely different impact on Barbados than it may on a country that has a larger expanse, [a] more spread out population, and multiple islands”.n”,”mro”:[]}},”errors”:[]},”categories”:{“current”:[],”categories”:[]},”reports”:{“index”:[],”reports”:{}},”events”:{“index”:[],”events”:{},”live”:[],”oldEvents”:[]},”webinars”:{“index”:[],”newWebinars”:{},”webinars”:[]},”data”:{“profiles”:{},”tools”:{},”countries”:[],”shares”:{}},”errors”:{“cleared”:[],”uncleared”:[]},”regions”:[],”site”:{“countries”:[],”airlines”:[],”sectors”:[],”showLogin”:false,”showHelp”:false,”showAlerts”:false,”showAnnouncements”:false,”footerHeight”:0,”headerHeight”:0,”heroHeight”:0,”profiles”:{},”profileIDs”:{},”profileSearch”:{},”ads”:{},”server404″:false,”currencies”:{}},”shop”:{“index”:[],”items”:{},”cart”:[],”showCheckout”:false},”video”:{“index”:[],”videos”:{}},”publications”:{“mailouts”:[],”publications”:{},”issues”:{},”archives”:{}},”consent”:{}}]]>

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