Caribbean Music Events

We are involved with 3 major efforts for jobs, enhanced revenues and tax base, reducing stress, uniting the many and diverse cultural groups in S. Fla. and their national and international networks and to strengthen these communities as well as bringing them to be visible to the wider audience on who they are and what they…

Caribbean Art Music

Juan Bautista Alfonseca (1810-1875)  Juan was a self-taught composer born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.  He was the earliest known Dominican composer of merengue.  Although he lacked musical training he was known as the “father of Dominican music”.  In, 1846 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and he led the first military band and participated…


The Head Office of the Eastern Caribbean Collective Organisation for Music Rights (ECCO) Inc. is open.   In compliance with the Protocols which assist with minimizing of the spread of Covid-19, we have made some changes to our operations. Clients (customers and members) are asked to make an appointment before visiting the office. This is to minimise…


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