Caribbean Music Events

We are involved with 3 major efforts for jobs, enhanced revenues and tax base, reducing stress, uniting the many and diverse cultural groups in S. Fla. and their national and international networks and to strengthen these communities as well as bringing them to be visible to the wider audience on who they are and what they have to offer as well as branding Miami as ‘carnival central’ in the U.S. and one of the key carnival markets in the world.

More tourism and those revenues are also key to this effort. While we have huge local populations, the carnival experience, that is the heart and soul of these cultures, is also an opportunity for them to be with us in May, after they’ve had enough of winter from up North, as well as an opportunity for all governments to expose what they want the world to know about and investors they are also seeking. This is a great opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to all they do business with and also to mix great business with great pleasure. The Situs slot online terpercaya is what you can check out in case you want to unwind and gamble at your comfort.

The Fortune 500 needs to know that this  very unique market of homeowners and business folks, travel and spend monies to nurture their culture on every level.

In Trinidad alone, ‘kiddie carnival’ has 20,000 kids in costume with parents and teachers dancing with them, that takes two days just for their exciting parades.

Carnival brings everyone together on every age level, every income level and in glorious colors for THE SHOW’.

We are very excited that ATT/Yellow Pages is already on board with us and we will be on the front cover of the telephone directory for 2013 with this focus.

Any company wanting to secure a major relationship with this market will benefit on a massive and cost effective level. The ‘carnival’ market in the money market.

Let us help you in this win-win situation.


1. Gateway to the World Expo at the Miami Beach Convention Center, September, 2013, Hall ‘D’, where we can sell 612

10×10 booths.  Dates to be announced.

2.   Expo costs could be $150,000-$200,000.

a. Booth sales: $500,000 to $600,000.

b. Entrance fees also for food/wine/rums etc. besides consumerism, travel, body-mind,home, business, pets, culture etc. $100,000 to $200,000+.

c. Sponsorships.

d. Grants.

e. Advertising.

f. Fetes/entertainment



Costs for advertising are in the $100,000 range to guarantee the traffic to satisfy both the vendors as well as to document this success for future events. If we can move 10,000 to 30,000 for the 3 day event that would be one huge success. Serious advertising would bring us much more in traffic. Sponsors will get huge exposure through this effort.

B. Another potential for Miami Beach is to do a Sat. day parade for 10 blocks and very limited as to the number of vehicles (10-15) and then a fenced-in ‘beach party’ with admission charge, which would cost us $200,000 and a potential

$1million in revenues regarding entrance fees, VIP, Booth sales, sponsorships, merchandize, booze sales,etc.

C. Another possibility for Lincoln Rd. on Miami Beach is to take a country per block with the same foods, music, costumes, which Miami Beach Mayor wanted to do. This would be a freebee and sponsorships would pay for it all.

D. More special ‘shows’, fetes, launches, parties, during the year and Calder, Hialeah Park, Gulfstream have already showed interest and could be developed with all the Casinos as just one outreach, as well as hotels and tourism destinations.

E. Getting the businesses in each ethnic community to bring their best  to this wider audience and support themselves and their own cultures and to bring their countrymen and women from around North America and their home countries, to also be here.



1. CARNIVALS OF THE WORLD PARADE, Downtown Miami, May 5, 2013. At this point we have a 30 block parade and 10 block party by the Miami River. Staging is at Miami River and SW 3St to NW 3rd St. Parade goes along lst St. to 3rd Ave., then North to Flagler St. and West to lst Ave., North to 3rd St. and West to 2nd Ave. and South to Flagler St. and West to Miami River. The City of Miami Police want $100,000 for this route.

2. Parade route could be extended into Calle Ocho and add another 30 blocks. The longer the parade the more participants and especially those with large costumes. Also, many businesses along the route can also have a piece of the action. Police costs will triple with the new route.

3. This also being Cinco de Mayo, there will already be 20,000-30,000 at Brickell Village starting late in the afternoon we can aleady negotiate with for our efforts. It is easy walking distance as well as Metro-mover and trolleys. Metrorail means masses downtown as well as parking at stations into Downtown.

4. Getting each ethnic groups that does carnival, to do their version, together, in one giant parade and pick up where the Orange Bowl Parade left off would be a huge extravaganza. We have 20 countries already involved and can get more based on sponsorships. We need $300,000 just for these expenses. involving trucks and floats. Very large parades can involve up to 300 units and much advertsing possibilities.

5. This will be a  moving parade, not ‘Calle Ocho’…. which is stationary and is not ‘carnival’.

6.We can bring in runners from Mercedes-Benz Corporate Run and ING Corporate Run and running clubs; Wheel Chair contingents an honor our veterans; Bikers; Motor cycles; antique cars; high school bands and all floats and bands for the Carnival contingents, and invitees from other major parades from Mummers in Philly ,to Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, Key West’s ‘Fatasyfest’, to ‘Gasparilla’ in Tampa. Mardi Gras floats from New Orleans, etc..

7.  ‘TASTES OF THE WORLD’ AT THE END OF THE PARADE venue. We have spaces in the 10 blocks for hundreds (400-500) of  food, beverage and internatioal market booths.

8. Making this one of the premier events in North America annually in May, after Passover and Easter and when the hotels need the business and opportunities to fill the hotels, car rentals, plane seats and gain that revenue for ourselves and the sponsors and community at large, let alone to apply for grants with proof of these efforts and international promotions for our sponsors..

9.  Get King and Queen Costumes from Trinidad and 100 carnivals in the world to establish Miami as the only city in the world with 2 carnivals. Every six months. When you need it, we have it. We start the circuit in May and Miami/Broward One Carnival finishes it in Oct.. The circuit starts in Atlanta, Orlando, DC/Balt., Toronto, Boston, NY and Miami for the major events. There are 60 other carnivals that have emerged from Trinidad-Tobago Carnival. Brazil carnival stays in Brazil. We want all of them participating with us here from this network and all the other countries represented here who do carnival back home to do it together here and pick up where the Orange Bowl Parade left off. If we have major money-prizes we can move mountains here for those who would be here to show their cultures and carnivals.

10.  Part of our inventory is to offer a 4-color magazine; do our own cable tv; connect via streaming  tv to the global community;poster and song contests, our own film/dvd and document this grand effort….also for grants.

11.  Our ‘model’ is Toronto’s ‘Carabana’ (Aug. 4, 2012) which gets 1 million, 200,000 from U.S. who drop $300millions-$400millions into the local economy, Toronto’s #1 money-maker, sponsored by Scotiabank.  NY’s Carnival will get 2-3millions.

a.. We have already promoted this effort in Trinidad Carnival, Atlanta, Orlando, Tampa, Lauderdale Lakes, Hollywood, Baltimore and Atlantic City Carnivals and in Aug. Toronto, Norfolk, Va., Boston and in Sept.- Brooklyn, Long Island, Jax. and in Oct. in Miami.

b. Bringing bands and carnival promotions from every other carnival to be with us and  to promote themselves and our sponsors is just one of our strategies.

c. Complimenting the parade and Expo with a number of other fetes and celebrations as part of making the first week in May our biggest party yet. Miami/Broward One Carnival has 44 major parties connected to it and their band launching will be in late Aug. at Hialeah Race Track. Most of these promoters are from NY and we want to leave the monies locally.

d. Show and promote the wide diversity that lives here and plays here (Toronto does, Miami needs to and is a missing link); show the great business opportunities that exist and we want to expose to a wider audience and move from being ‘Gateway to Latin America’, lost to Houston in Feb. 2012 and become instead: ‘Gateway to the World’ for parade, Expo, Paradise projects. When Forbes lists Miami as 181 out of 200 cities to do businesss in and for career opportunities, the ethnic divides and in many cases ‘banana republic’ politics has created this mess, we can help resolve through this process of uniting everyone via music, dance, culture, food, drink, arts, crafts and carnival which is the formulae that will work on all other issues.

e. We can become an annual ‘Super Bowl’ with Carnival/Culture, not to be taken for granted, but enhanced as a commodity like gas and oil.

Budget considerations:

1. Police- $100,000 for the 30 block parade/policing party venue along Miami River.(Should we add 30 blocks this figure is double as well as numbers Cleanup, Fire Dept. figures.

2. Cleanup- $20,000

3. Fire Department-$20,000

4. Insurance-$20,000

5. Other fees- $5000

6. Magazine-100,000- $100,000- Selling ad space pays for magazine.

7. Our own Cable tv show- 6 hours weekly in Miami-Dade/Broward, for a year is $100,000-selling tv ad space pays for programming itself and only one in the world.

8. Pole ads,(1200 for $60,000 for 30 days), billboards, bus ads, street banners-, radio ads- $50,000 to $100,000

9. Full time social media-$30,000.

10. Outreach to all carnivals in the world and our own ‘band’ at each carnival-$100,000.

11. Office etc.- $50,000

12. Merchandize- tee-shirts, etc.- $50,000

13. Personnel: $500,000

14. Documentation/marketing- $50,000

15. Sell booth space, sponsorships, booze, merchandize just for the parade and also tied into Expo and Replanting prices.

16. Talents/artists/ethnic bands/floats: $250,000

17.  When Miami Carnival takes place in Oct., there will be 44 major parties here from promoters from NY who take the monies and leave. We need to budget multiple events and keep the monies and jobs here. $300,000.

18.  Saturday Parade and Beach Party.$200,000.

Basics: $2,500,000.  And if we brought in $300millions to $400millions to the local economy and adding to the tax base?

The more we have the more we can do and more exposure for any sponsor, locally, nationally and globally.


12. “REPLANT PARADISE” with 1 million native and color trees to add to the 13% tree canopy in Miami due to canker, blight, hurricanes, over-development, etc. and heal and enhance G-d’s miracle creation here. “Green” businesses who ignore the diversity in our midsts regarding culture, can now move from this aspect. Re-creating the ‘Garden of Eden’ in all of its glorious color will be a major boon for everyone including to slow down to smell the roses and eye what Paradise really looks like for homes, business, public right of way, etc.

A. This can be organized per business and media surrounding it.

B. This can be organized via products/specials and promotions and tied to Publix etc.

C. This can be organized through garden clubs, universities, while helping the growers in S. Dade and jobs, jobs, jobs.

D. Use this opportunity to raise $millions and recognize all participants, like planting a tree in Israel campaigns.


13. “TASTE OF CARNIVAL” AT PORT OF MIAMI FOR EACH CRUISE SHIP IN DOCK.  Jobs and funded by corporations, grants and Miami-Dade County on how to nurture the 4 millions who come from MIA to the ships and back and give them a reason to stay and also to get in the mood before the ship departs.


14. Marketing all of the above to the travel agents around the world, those doing conventions and expos, those who must have carnivals, those 71 countries represented in Miami including 38 Consulates and 28 chambers of commerce.


15. Bring on board the Fortune 500 etc. to become sponsors for this unique opportunity to unify the community (see Miami Heat Champions); to provide jobs; to increase major revenues; to enjoy ourselves, reduce stress and have the biggest and best party in the world and all tastes from around the world and urge the world to be here to experience all of it and all of our sponsors will have more exposure and good will than they could ever dream of.



16.  Imagine the cost of one Super Bowl 30 second ad that goes for $3millions and everyone has already forgotten versus those monies used for accomplishing the above and more and a win-win for all concerned making it possible.


17.  MASSIVE EXPOSURE AT MINIMUM COST on every level here. Cadillac exposure on a bicycle budget.




All of these issues are real and all possibilities and opportunities are real as well as monies being sought after.

Many corporations need good will and wide exposure and have the resources to spend and we can maximize impact for every dollar spent and develop this legacy and permanent signature statement, as exists with the Boat Show, Auto Show, Coconut Grove Art Show, NASCAR, Air Show, etc.

One vital example for Miami is the Ultra Music Festival for 150,000 in Downtown Miami over 3 days and each paying $300 just for the event, not including transportation, hotels, food, etc.  Those attending haven’t been exposed to ‘soca’ music from Trinidad or Samba from Brazil or Salsa from Latin America and Caribbean carnivals. Imagine the thousands on Spring Break finally getting a major dose of these great music sensations? Revenues to be made? Enjoyment to be had?


Who are we trying to reach out to:

1. Cubans-900,000 just in Miami-Dade. What did they do for carnival in Cuba, not Calle Ocho which isn’t carnival.

2. Colombians-500,000. Barinquila, Colombia gets 1 million for their carnival.

3. Haitians-500,000 and they get 1 million in Port O Prince, Haiti

4. Trinidad and Caribbean- 500,000 at least, possibly double that who have been doing carnival for 100 yrs. and 45 in N. America and Canada and 27 yrs. in Miami.

5. Mexicans- 200,000 in Miami and 300,000 in Orlando.

6. Brazilians- 300,000 in S. Fla. and 50,000 in Orlando.

7. Puerto Ricans- 200,000 in S. Fla. and 300,000 in Orlando and they do their parade in NY.

8. Jewish community- 750,000 in Fla.

9. We have 180 ethnic groups in Miami.  25,000 Bahamians. 10,000 Koreans, etc.

10.  All of these groups in all of North America and Canada and from their home countries AS PART OF THE 15MILLION TOURISTS THAT COME HERE ANNUALLY.

11. 100 carnivals in the world: Nottinghill in London that gets 1 million; Rotterdam, Netherlands which gets 1 million in summer. One of they key carnivals in Euriope is in Basel, Switzerland and no connection with Art Basel in Miami Beach  and we would make that connection. Italy has two major carnivals. Canary Islands, all through the world and we would want each of them here with us.

12. Everyone!  The market that already exists is monumental. Imagine the rest of the world we could introduce to all of this phenomenon?

There is no end to the expansion, promotional and creative efforts that Carnivals of the World would embrace.




We are presenting these opportunities for really making Miami/Miami Beach the greatest cities in the world for what we have to offer, which is alot. Nurturing these efforts means success on every level and for everyone who invests with us into this phenomenon.

The picture here compliments what is already in motion, plus adding a whole new direction from us  with this unity in the community. Imagine the great and positive spirit of the Miami Heat victory and to incorporate that energy with all of these efforts, which can be done with the proper support.

We can make this difference for everyone.

Yours Faithfully,

Bob Kunst

Marketing Director




ANDREW WALLACE/TORONTO STAR The annual Caribbean festival is a brash display of jubilation. (July 31, 2010)

The life-affirming exuberance of Toronto’s annual Caribbean festival is needed now — more than ever — in this summer marred by grievous shootings.
Yes, solid action must be taken against gun violence. But despair must also be resisted. And there seems no better way than through the brash display of sheer jubilation that culminates Saturday in a parade that has become North America’s largest costumed march.
Formerly known as Caribana, and now called the Scotiabank Toronto Caribbean Carnival, the event is a highlight of summer. More than a million people typically turn out — drawn by shimmering costumes, the thumping beat of rival bands, and a chance to cut loose, dance and party.
It’s important to get the same healthy response this year. The best answer to Toronto’s recent spate of shootings isn’t to hide away but to boldly celebrate the city. And this incandescent Caribbean carnival is one of its greatest treasures.
New York run by the Swiss? Toronto is much more than that now — thank goodness — and this event proves it, year after year.
The 2012 festival has been underway for more than two weeks and, aside from the grand parade, it also features concerts, competitions for carnival king and queen, a junior carnival, rugby, an all-night fish fry, Caribbean beach breakfast and more.
It has come a long way since it began 45 years ago, when a modest crowd of West Indian origin threw a party on Olympic Island to celebrate Canada’s Centennial Year. Today, there’s no louder, brighter or more boisterous expression of multicultural Toronto.
It’s just the tonic this city needs to soothe its pain, put its worries in context, and appreciate the full glory of its diversity.



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