Things to Do in the Caribbean

Things to Do in the Caribbean – The BahamasOur Privacy and Cookie Policy.’; url_protocol = ‘http’; if(location.protocol==’https:’) { url_protocol = ‘https’; } var CLIENT_FOLDER = ‘windsong/’; if (document.domain.indexOf(‘tambourine’) > 0 || document.domain.indexOf(‘’) > 0) { var SITE_ROOT = url_protocol+’://’+document.domain+’/’; var ROOT_PATH = ‘/’; var SITE_FILES = ‘’; var FRONTEND_ROOT = url_protocol + ‘://frontend.’ + document.domain + ‘/’; } else { var SITE_ROOT = url_protocol+’://’+document.domain+’/’; var ROOT_PATH = ‘/’; var SITE_FILES = ‘’; var FRONTEND_ROOT = url_protocol + ‘://’; } var langSelected = “en”; ]]> ‘+ ‘

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  • ‘ + i + ” ); else $( “.paginator ul” ).append( ‘
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    ‘ + value.amenity + ‘n’ + //esto se repite en things to do ‘ n’;*/ var html_rank = “”; if( value.tripadvisor ) { var tripadvisor = JSON.parse(value.tripadvisor); var rank = Math.floor( tripadvisor.rating ); var class_li = “”; var html_li = “”; for (var k = 1; k <= 5; k++) { class_li = ""; if (k <= rank) { class_li = "full"; } html_li += '

  • n’; } html_rank = ‘n’ + //tripadvisor para things to do ‘n’ + ‘ n’ + ‘n’ + ( ( tripadvisor ) ? ‘‘ : ”) + ‘n’ + ( ( tripadvisor ) ? ” : ”) + ‘n’ + ‘n’ + ‘

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