Black Music in the Circum-Caribbean on JSTOR

Journal Information

American Music publishes articles on American composers, performers, publishers, institutions, events, and the music industry, as well as book and recording reviews, bibliographies, and discographies. Recent article topics have included: Duke Ellington and early radio; John Cage’s HPSCHD; the WPA music copying project; defining the Easy Listening era; Milton Babbitt in academia; the soul roots of Bruce Springsteen; the benefit concerts of Jack Benny and Danny Kaye; and the boyhood of Henry Cowell.  The journal also includes interviews with composers and reviews of books, recordings, films, websites, and concerts.

Publisher Information

Founded in 1918, the University of Illinois Press ( ranks as one of the country’s larger and most distinguished university presses. The Press publishes more than 120 new books and 30 scholarly journals each year in an array of subjects including American history, labor history, sports history, folklore, food, film, American music, American religion, African American studies, women’s studies, and Abraham Lincoln. The Press is a founding member of the Association of American University Presses as well as the History Cooperative, an online collection of more than 20 history journals.



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