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> subPrefix must be unencoded here $(function() { $.ajax({ url: ‘//’, type: ‘GET’, dataType: ‘json’, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, crossDomain: true }).then(function(response) { var urlParams = AJS.paramsToJSON(); var getAutoflipParams = function getAutoflipParams() { return { autoflip: parseInt(urlParams.autoflip, 10) === 1, flipSpeed: urlParams.flipSpeed || 2000, flipDelay: urlParams.flipDelay || 5000 }; }; var options = { isBeta: false, // flip here to turn on features in LendingFlow.js el: ‘#BookReader’, enableMobileNav: false, urlHistoryBasePath: “/details/caribbeancurrents00manuel/”, resumeCookiePath: “/details/caribbeancurrents00manuel”, urlMode: ‘history’, // Only reflect these params onto the URL urlTrackedParams: [‘page’, ‘search’, ‘mode’], enableBookTitleLink: false, bookUrlText: null, startFullscreen: urlParams.view === ‘theater’, initialSearchTerm: null, onePage: { autofit: “auto” }, showToolbar: false, autoResize: false, useSrcSet: false, }; // we want to show item as embedded when ?ui=embed is in URI if (false) { options.mode = 1; options.ui = ’embed’; } var params_options = getAutoflipParams(); BookReaderJSIAinit(, options); if (params_options.autoflip) { br.autoToggle(params_options); } // remove lending message wrapper // if ?wrapper=false or ?options=view-only var optionsGetParam = decodeURIComponent(urlParams.options).split(‘|’); if (urlParams.wrapper === ‘false’ || (optionsGetParam.indexOf(‘view-only’) > -1)) { $(“#IABookReaderMessageWrapper”).remove(); } // Usage stats window.archive_analytics.values[‘bookreader’] = ‘open’; }); }); ]]>
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Uploaded by Bill Levay on March 23, 2015
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