Caribbean Music

-1 ) { if( loc_url.indexOf( ‘gref=am980’ ) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-london’; } else if( loc_url.indexOf( ‘gref=900chml’ ) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-hamilton’; } else if( loc_url.indexOf( ‘gref=channel12’ ) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-durham’; } else if( loc_url.indexOf( ‘gref=chextv’ ) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-peterborough’; } else if( loc_url.indexOf( ‘gref=ckwstv’ ) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-kingston’; } } // Handle regions that are “misnamed”. For instance, the province of Ontario is in the “Toronto” region. if( geo_data.region ) { geo_data.region = geo_data.region.toUpperCase(); } else { return false; } switch (geo_data.region) { case ‘ONTARIO’: if( ) { var city =; if( ‘LONDON’ === city || ‘WOODSTOCK’ === city ) { return ‘gnca-london’; } else if( ‘GUELPH’ === city ) { return ‘gnca-guelph’; } else if( ‘HAMILTON’ === city ) { return ‘gnca-hamilton’; } else if( ‘PETERBOROUGH’ === city ) { return ‘gnca-peterborough’; } else if( ‘KINGSTON’ === city ) { return ‘gnca-kingston’; } else if( ([‘AJAX’,’BROCK’, ‘CLARINGTON’,’OSHAWA’,’PICKERING’,’SCUGOG’,’UXBRIDGE’,’WHITBY’]).indexOf(city) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-durham’; } else if( ([‘BARRIE’, ‘COLLINGWOOD’, ‘ORILLIA’, ‘NEWMARKET’, ‘INNISFIL’, ‘WASAGA BEACH’]).indexOf(city) > -1 ) { return ‘gnca-barrie’; } else if( ‘KITCHENER’ === city || ‘WATERLOO’ === city ) { return ‘gnca-kitchener’; } } if ( geo_data.longitude -121.000 ) { return ‘gnca-okanagan’; } else { return ‘gnca-bc’; } } /** * There are 3 regions in Alberta. To simplify the logic, the function checks for the bottom most, then the top most * region. If it is not the top or bottom most region, it is assumed to be the middle region. */ if ( ‘ALBERTA’ === geo_data.region ) { if ( geo_data.latitude > 52.145 ) { // Demarcation of bottom and middle region return ‘gnca-edmonton’; } else if ( geo_data.latitude < 50.222 ) { // Demarcation of top and middle region return 'gnca-lethbridge'; } else { return 'gnca-calgary'; } } if ( 'SASKATCHEWAN' === geo_data.region ) { if ( geo_data.latitude Caribbean Music | News, Videos & Articles e + c + ` ${t} { visibility: hidden; }n`, “”) }(c, o); = t, e.appendChild(n), n.type = “text/css”, n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)) } window._sf_async_config = window._sf_async_config || {}, e.timeout = timeout, e.headlineSelector = headlineSelector, window._sf_async_config.articleBlockSelector = articleBlockSelector; const c = window._sf_async_config.articleBlockSelector; e.timeoutFlag = !1, e.strategyFetched = e.strategyFetched || !1; const o = document.head || document.querySelector(“head”); t(o, “chartbeat-flicker-control-style-ht”, c, e.headlineSelector), t(o, “chartbeat-flicker-control-style-it”, c, “img”), document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, () => { if (e.timeoutFlag) { const e = document.getElementById(“chartbeat-flicker-control-style-it”); return void (e && e.parentNode.removeChild(e)) } const t = document.querySelectorAll(c); let o = []; t.forEach(function (e) { const t =“img”)); t.forEach(function (e) { e.getAttribute(“pinger-seen”) || e.classList.add(“cb-it-hide”) }), o = o.concat(t) }); const n = document.getElementById(“chartbeat-flicker-control-style-it”); n && n.parentNode.removeChild(n) }), window.setTimeout(function () { if (!e.strategyFetched) { e.timeoutFlag = !0; const t = document.getElementById(“chartbeat-flicker-control-style-ht”); t && t.parentNode.removeChild(t) } document.querySelectorAll(c).forEach(function (e) {“img”)).forEach(function (e) { “true” !== e.getAttribute(“keep-hiding”) && e.classList.remove(“cb-it-hide”) }) }) }, e.timeout) }(); // specify lazy loading attribute window._sf_async_config.lazyLoadSrcsetAttribute = ‘data-src’; window._sf_async_config.flickerControl = false; ]]>g&&(f=decodeURIComponent(f),a!=f)&&!f.match(/^http(s)?:/);g++)a=f}catch(c){}return f.replace(/(^s+|s+$)/g,””)}function e(a,c,g,b){return a[c]===b&&0=== g||a[g]===b&&0===c}var b=n.a.f;if(!location||!location.hostname||!location.pathname)return!1;var h=document.location.hostname.replace(/^www./,””),q=function(){for(var a,c=document.getElementsByTagName(“meta”),g,b=0,m=c.length;b>>MOAT YIELD INTELLIGENCE/”+a)}function l(){try{var a=window.googletag;return a.apiReady?a.pubads():!1}catch(c){return e(“init:”+c),!1}}function u(a){var c=l(),m=b(a);c?m(c,window.googletag):(window.googletag=window.googletag||{},window.googletag.cmd=window.googletag.cmd||[],window.googletag.cmd.push(function(){var a=l();a&&m(a,window.googletag)}))}function b(a){return function(){try{return a&& a.apply?a.apply(null,arguments):a()}catch(b){try{var c=document.referrer}catch(d){c=””}try{var m=”//”+encodeURIComponent(void 0)+”&j=”+encodeURIComponent(c)+”&cs=”+(new Date).getTime();(new Image).src=m}catch(d){}throw b;}}}function h(a){u(function(c){var b={};a.c?(c={},c=!c||”[object Array]”!==c&&”[object Array Iterator]”!==c?[a.c]:a.c):c=c.getSlots();b.slots=c;b.slots&&window&&window.setTimeout? 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