Red-Plastic-Bag-Soca-Calypso-Barbados caribbean music calypso soca reggae island music

Stedson “Red Plastic Bag” Wiltshire is a professional entertainer, composer and lyricist with thirty years experience. He is a founder member and current director of Copyright Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (COSCAP) of Barbados, a former director of the COSCAP Foundation and a former member of the Barbados Copyright Tribunal.

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RED PLASTIC BAG (RPB) became the youngest calypsonian, at the age of 21 years, to win the Barbados Calypso Competition in 1982. He has won this national competition for an unprecedented ten times, the Barbados Tune of the Crop on two occasions, the Barbados Congaline Carnival Road March 2000 and the Barbados Sweet Soca Monarch Competition  2011.

Stedson “RPB” Wiltshire has recorded twenty five albums, and has a repertoire of over four hundred songs. He has composed the winning song in the Caribbean Song Contest on three occasions. He has written songs for Arrow of “Hot Hot” fame, Swallow, Alison Hinds, TC, Nathalee and penned the popular “Spring Garden on Fire” for Ras Iley.  He has judged several competitions at home and abroad, including The Caribbean Song Contest in Trinidad and Tobago and the Bermuda Song Contest.

RPB has performed throughout the Caribbean, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, China and Australia. Some of his performances were at The Apollo Theatre, Madison Square Garden, Radio City Music Hall, Beacon Theatre, New York, Lincoln Centre, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Bailey Music Hall, Florida, Hammersmith Palais, London and Club Coconuts, Dublin.

His many achievements include a National Honour, the Barbados Service Star in 1995, Jammy Award (Jamaica Music Award) 1994, Sunshine Awards 1994, 1995, 2000, Reggaesoca Awards for Best Song and Soca Artist of the year 1994, Entertainer of the year 1994, Pride of Barbados Award 2003 and 2012, and Barbados Music Awards 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Also he has received international recognition awards in the cities of Boston and Washington DC, U.S.A.

RPB is best known around the world for his song “Ragga Ragga” which is recorded in seven languages, featured on the Sony compilation Dance Pool Volume Two with the likes of Celine Dion and Culture Club. “Ragga Ragga” is also featured in the Irish movie “The Sparrow’s Nest” along with another of his compositions “Not Me and That”.  “Ragga  Ragga” was  played at the NBA Finals of 1996 in Chicago. His Tune of the Crop winning song “Can’t Find Me Brother” is featured in the HBO movie “Some People”.

One of the hobbies of Stedson “RPB” Wiltshire is playing cricket, and he has represented Barbados in international cricket at the youth level in 1980.

His philosophy is, “It’s not what you have that makes you happy, it’s your ability to be happy with what you have”.

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